Starting something but not finishing it

16 May 2024

I was taught that everything has a beginning, a middle and an end but for me that isn’t always the case. I start projects, courses, crafts, tidying up, organising things and sentences, but often don’t finish.

A brief list:

When pregnant with my first born I started a singlet that I never finished - that was many decades ago!!

I have started lots of writing including letters, emails, gratitude journals, a memoir, a book and many blogs but never finished most of them.

I have started to tidy up my books and my toys etc and try to organise. I start with energy and a flourish and end  up surrounded by my stuff having emptied shelves but being too tired to reorganise!!

There is so much I can add to my list but I would like to know if any Moodscopers have started something and not finished. Maybe you could share why it was not finished and if you learnt anything from the experience.

It can be quite usual for people to begin tasks with enthusiasm, only to leave them unfinished. There could be several reasons for this:

No motivation, taken on too many projects, priorities change, distractions and worrying about never completing the task;

So be brave and tell me about any project, or course or anything you started but did not finish.

Maybe you are someone who has always finished every task big or small and you can share some tips on how to achieve this.

Or may be at the bottom of a cupboard or in the garage are projects that have never been finished.

Let us share the funny stories, the frustrations of incomplete projects and rejoice in a task you were determined to finish.


A Moodscope member

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