Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...

11 Dec 2014

Really?? Why then did a comment from a friend (an ex university lecturer) saying that if she had been marking my work I would have got zero, make me flee from the room and sit in my car sobbing my heart out?

She did not mean to be cruel, we were having a debate about whether referencing was necessary in a project proposal, but in that one thoughtless comment she managed to push all the wrong buttons!

She did not realise that I am in the process of moving house with very little support from my family, or that I have to get up at 6 every morning to get my son to his bus and I am finding it exhausting, or that I am having to deal with the emotional turmoil my husband is in about the sale of his family home and deal with his solicitors or that I am going to have to put my cat down soon and she did not realise that I am struggling to do my university work and am convinced that I am useless at it.

I think it was Plato (although this is in dispute) who said

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"

Wise words, so be careful with yours!

Oh and I got 71% for the project proposal, so there!


A Moodscope member.

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