Stretch Sprint Pause

25 Mar 2019

OK, it's not exactly "Eat, Pray, Love," but it might work just as well! Following on from my recent blog on, "How To Get More Energy," I'd now like to explore a rhythm to our day that could make a huge difference to how energised we feel.

Your Body Clock can become a good friend... especially when our daily activities are synchronised with the Body Clock (and not vice versa.) The Rhythms of Life include Ultradian Rhythms – and I will generalise by saying we seem to biologically embrace 90-minute cycles. This is an especially accurate assertion from sleep research, but also appears to be valid in a healthy waking state. If you are happy to accept that, I have a cunning plan to suggest!

I know that many of us are musicians, and some are guitarists. One of the most delightful sounds we can generate on a guitar is a harmonic. When the string is vibrating, a subtle touch in just the right place creates a clear, chiming, tone.

I'm going to suggest we do the same with the 90-minute-cycle: to create harmonic harmony in life by touching the 90-minute-cycle at the half-way point to create 45-minute periods in our activity. Now, doesn't that sound like school?

This approach is so successful in my day-long workshops that we now call it "Club 45." A timer goes off every 45 minutes to allow for what we call a, "Fluid Adjustment Break!" Many participants have given feedback that this micro-break-cycle has helped them stay engaged all day.

Muscles benefit from gentle s-t-r-e-t-c-hing, followed by a sprint of activity, followed by restorative rest. It now appears that this too works for developing emotional, mental, and spiritual energy. My suggestion is that we get a timer! We then set it to 45 minutes.

The change that I'm now adding from my Club 45 approach is to focus on what I'm going to do in the pause at the end of the 45-minutes. I'm now focusing on developing each energy in turn. For example, I may go for a brisk walk around the field (physical). At the next break, I may ring my Mum or other family member (emotional – and something I don't do often enough). Then try a memory technique or play a mind-stimulating game (mental). Finally, read inspirational literature (spiritual).

If you think this is too rigid, trust me, I'm a creative! I don't do rigid! I do, however, let the timer do the work for me. It tickles my memory to encourage good new habits.

Will you join me in this energetic experiment?

What will you do in the breaks?


A Moodscope member.

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