Time is a one-way-street with many thousands of junctions.
There’s no going back, no matter how much we would love that.
Put another way, there’s only going forwards!
That sounds far more positive, doesn’t it?
I write this a week on from a Stroke. We in the household both marked the week-since-it-happened-point with some concern, but I’m still here. Not that we’re being flippant about that. We’ve reached a junction – a multiple-junction with many choices other than going back.
You and I have heard folks talk about Life’s ‘wake-up-calls’. For so many of us, we need something dramatic to shake us out of our trance. For some, it is the loss of a loved-one. For others, an escape from death. For still others, it comes in the shape of other losses – loss of a job, a faculty, a home, a relationship. Funny how it rarely seems to be a nice wake-up-call… unless you count lovely big birthdays or births, weddings, and retirement!
Additionally, you and I have probably heard motivational speakers share how it’s best not to wait for a wake-up-call before you take massive action or even choose a tiny life change. Truth is, people like me need a catalyst for change. People like me need a bit of stick… a fright, otherwise we fight change.
So, I’m not going to say, “Don’t wait for something dramatic to happen to you before you choose change.” Instead, I’m going to invite your imagination to dance into possible futures with me – our possible futures.
The dance begins with three gentle questions.
Who would you like to spend more time with?
What would you like to do more of?
What’s stopping you?
My hope is that you’ll catch the scent of new possibilities in your answers to these questions. My wish is that you find the courage to pursue some of those possibilities. And if you’re not ready for that yet, my desire is that you enjoy today and some of the day’s normal delights at a new level of appreciation. With a stroke of luck, it will be a good day.
A Moodscope member.
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