Stuck in School

27 Jan 2024

The day dawned bright and balmy, a good start for a walk to the Wellbeing Centre, adjacent to the secondary school on the left, the primary section on the right, the Bro Pedr Complex. A huge perimeter metal fence surrounded the area.  

A Monday, not my usual day to go to the gym. However I wasn’t able to go on the Tuesday afternoon. Spent 30 minutes on the exercise bicycle and 15 minutes on the treadmill.

The Centre was a hive of activity as S4C were filming a biographical snapshot about Mererid Rees who was recovering her ability to walk with an excellent trainer and their good collaborative relationship.

After my session I paid a visit to the ladies, and as I didn’t want to encounter more people at the entrance, I went out of an open back door, not realising that I couldn’t use it as a back way to go into town. It was growing more blustery. Picture this short dark lady dressed from head to toe in black, asking a random collection of people the way into town. I was trapped in the school grounds. At the best of times I don’t have a good sense of direction. I ended in ducking under or climbing over barriers, increasingly discombobulated. Finally a teacher asked me if I was lost. Could she help. She quizzed me gently. I may have looked slightly dodgy.

“I was in the Well-being Centre and used a back door to exit the building. I can’t find my way onto  the road to the town centre.”

“The side gate is usually locked but I will open it for you. Then you can make your way to wherever you wish. Next time use the front door. You will find it quicker.”

“Thank you”, I said with relief and went on my way.

How do you feel when you're unsure of your surroundings?


A Moodscope member

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