
27 Oct 2021

Like many other Moodscopers I can give myself a really hard time by failing to come up to my own expected standards.

Being a perfectionist means having to give 150% all of the time to feel satisfied, otherwise I have failed.

However it was once pointed out to me that my personal underachieving was still much better than most people’s best who generally function at and are content with 75%.

When having help with depression as part of the bipolar 2 cycle (thankfully much better medically controlled lately) I was made aware that ‘suboptimal’ though not ideal is acceptable and this includes my mental state.

Whereas previously I would have beaten myself up about not being on top mentally I can now accept that sometimes suboptimal is OK.

That way I can accept that it will probably improve in time and on past experience it has.

Instead of chastising myself for the effect of the depression I am able to notice that it is how it is at the moment and just see it as it is ‘In the moment’ – a bit suboptimal.


A Moodscope member.

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