Sun in the sky, you know how I feel 

7 Feb 2021

My children and I have (like every single one of us I think) been finding this stretch quite difficult. Whether you enjoy it or not, the focus and sparkle of the Christmas season brings a distraction from other things going on in life. Post-Christmas there can be a lack of ‘event’ on the horizon and it is often that which makes us feel the days are dragging. I am certainly lacking motivation - I have been trying to go for a walk for a week. I also know, from previous experience, sometimes this time just needs to be allowed to meander. Time will sort it. Allow it. 


One of the things I’ve tried in previous years, to fight this seasonal mud, is light therapy. But I wasn’t making half an hour each morning to sit in front of the light box and so I wasn’t giving myself a fighting chance. However, when I bought the light box, I also bought sunrise lamps to help my children wake up for school in the darkest mornings.  They’ve used them each winter for a number of years. I don’t know why I waited so long to try it myself. 


I choose the time I’d like to be fully awake and it starts with the softest of glows half an hour previous. It rises to full bright light by the set time. It is really suiting me to wake this way rather than a nerve-jangling alarm scream. It also has a sunset facility to help wind you down at the end of the day. It's not fixing everything but it is helping very much to ease in and out of the days. 


Maybe it’s a tool you’d benefit from. Maybe not. Either way, I hope your day is a good one. 


Love from

The sunrise room above the garage 

A Moodscope member.

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