
19 Apr 2024

All of my life has been survival

At least that much is true

I have fought so much to live a good life

And I did it without you!


I worked so hard to get my dream job

And studied so hard to get promotion(s)

To make my family safe and secure

I became unwell from working so hard

And my family simply walked away!


They made my life a living hell

It was so bad I could not endure

I walked away this mental abuse

And slept outside on the floor!


I was happier living on the streets

With strangers I did not know

This gave me a platform to re-build my life

And my inner strength to show!


I walked-out of that hell-hole

Without a kind word “Goodbye”

Those painful, awful memories

Will stay with me ‘till I die.


Now It’ s Spring again

Oh how the time has flown

I sit here in my cosy little home

Safe, well and happy,

I really cherish my home!



A Moodscope member


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