Take a Chance, Make a Choice

16 Jun 2024

“If you’ll change your mind

Success will come in time

Honey, change is free

Make a choice with me…”

Not quite ‘bad karaoke’ – rather see it as borrowing from ABBA’s, “Take a Chance on Me.” Changing the lyrics is a bit like changing the script – which is what this message is about… because at the moment you’re living out a story that may not be your own.

As the little, earlier version of you, you will have made some decisions about ‘Life’ and your place in the world that would have seemed utterly compelling, totally credible to a 5 year old.

Some elements of these decisions will have been influenced by Giants. Yes, coming up to age 5, you’ll will have been surrounded by Giants – Giants with great strength and awesome power. They could touch ‘things’ beyond your reach and light could appear… or darkness could descend on you. They were allowed freedoms that you were not. They could tell you what to do. And they could reward or punish you.

You, on the other hand, needed a lot of help just to get by. Food, clothing, protection, direction… you remember the picture.

Thus, we come to the script choice that most little versions of ourselves take as gospel: ‘They’, whoever ‘They’ may be, are awesome; we are pants. Or, as the creator of Transactional Analysis put it in his bestseller, “Games People Play,” – “I’m Not OK - You’re OK.”

Once the decision has been made, we don’t have to think about it anymore.  Instead, we can gather evidence to empower us to say, “Told you so!”

Any and every time that someone else succeeds, that ‘proves’ that they are OK.  Every time you make the slightest blunder or innocent mistake, that ‘proves’ that you are Not OK.

A much better script choice flows from changing your mind and making a new decision: “I’m OK – You’re OK.”  

“If you’ll change your mind

Feeling OK will come in time

Honey, this change is free

Make the choice with me…”

I am inviting you (and me!) to make a new choice today.

I am inviting you to change the script from your Adult perspective – knowing that you, now, are a Giant with great strength and awesome power. You can reach ‘things’ beyond the grasp of the earlier, smaller version of you. You can switch on light, or bring down darkness. You can enjoy freedoms previously unknown.  You can tell ‘Life’ where to go. And you can choose to reward yourself and stop punishing yourself.

This begins with some magic words to say out loud with me, together, now:

“I’m OK”

And then (a little quieter)

“You’re OK.”

Keep saying this, and, soon, you’ll feel strangely and beautifully different, I promise…

…if you’ll do ONE more thing that’s fun. The ONE thing is to start noticing and then gathering evidence that you are OK. Just that. (And if you get hooked, you can start to look for ways other people are OK too, but you don’t need to – ‘cos you made a decision about them a long time ago in a land far, far away…)


A Moodscope member

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