Taking things to HEART.

18 Aug 2013

My friend is writing a book. It's about personal and professional development.

'H' is for health. It's to remind us how important our health is and how we need to pay attention to it. We have choices, about what we eat, how we exercise, where we focus our attention, who we hang out with, all of which impacts on our physical and mental health.

'E' is for energy. We need energy to be available to put into life or projects, to make stuff happen. We need to be aware of what depletes us, be sensitive to what inspires us.

'A' is for authenticity. I love that. I guess it's about being genuine, having integrity, working with good intention, being real.

'R' is for resilience. We need to 'sharpen the saw' or else the blade won't cut. We need to fill up our reservoir, take care of our own needs first so we have something to give others. If we deplete ourselves we have nothing left for others.

'T' is for team. Us humans, we are hard wired for relationships with others. Our brains need connection to be healthy so we can thrive.

Thinking about HEART might help us to think about our choices and to wonder about what small steps we might choose to do today to step in directions to support our hearts.

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