Teddy Bear Therapy.

1 Jul 2017

On a recent morning, as I arrived in St Pancras International station for another working day, I made a spot purchase. I bought a teddy bear. I didn't buy him for my 12 year old daughter who is mad about all things soft, cute and cuddly. I bought it (him actually) for myself. Why? Because I felt really low and I needed cheering up. I also love Teddy Bears.

My next stop was the chemist. The cashier picked up the teddy bear in delight and exclaimed, with a beaming smile, how cute he was. I mentioned that I had to name him to which she promptly replied 'Geoffrey' or how about 'Sam?' So I named him Geoffrey Sam.

What a day of mixed reactions Geoffrey Sam received. Sly looks from commuters on London Transport. Fun exchanges with internal work colleagues. Curiosity from external work colleagues (yes I did take him to an external meeting and sit him on the table), and disapproval from my line manager! Needless to say I went home that evening feeling both immensely more cheerful and quite fascinated by the range of reactions. Geoffrey Sam had done his job!

Do you ever dare to step out of the 'norm'? Have you done quirky things to try and brighten your day? I would love to hear your stories. Many of my colleagues tell me that I'm 'crazy' when I step out of the 'norm.' Guess what, that's fine by me!

Jane SG

A Moodscope member.

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