Tell me something

14 Jul 2023

Over the years of writing blogs for Moodscope I have wanted to learn about Moodscopers and who they are and what they think.

I have asked different questions to get to know people.

Today I wanted to ask for Moodscopers to tell me something unusual about themselves or something they do. I started to think unusual was not the right word, so I thought of fascinating but I worried people would think they had nothing fascinating to write about.

So I just decided to ask “Tell me something”. It can be about yourself, something you like to do, eat, read sing or watch. Let’s face it everyone reading this doesn’t know about you, so anything you write will engage them. If you don’t want to make what you write identifying, pick something small.

I like blowing bubbles, crunching bubble wrap, reading to toddlers. I remember birthdays but can’t remember where I put my glasses 5 mins ago.

Now your turn, tell me about yourself. It maybe what you ate today, how you feel, the weather, something in nature you like, or anything at all about you.

Have fun, relax and share learning about others.


A Moodscope member

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