Leah's post "This old dog can learn new tricks" and the subsequent comments on Friday 28th August resonated hugely with me. I have been a member of Moodscope since 2011.
Life had been tough since early 2008 (a combination of a heavy caring commitment, a stressful job, hubby's stressful job, a nervous breakdown in 2010, three minor operations for early breast cancer in 2011, recuperating, then being diagnosed with a chronic fatigue condition in the Autumn).
I always read the daily blog, the comments afterwards and I particularly appreciate the "Thought for the day" at the end of the email. I usually do the cards and when I do, I annotate the graph.
I have been rereading my comments and scores and reflecting on how far I have come since then.
The key thing I notice is that it is not WHAT is happening that has changed (I still have to manage the medical condition, the job is still stressful, swop the caring commitment for bereavement and winding everything up, and add an escalating family row...) No, the key change I notice is HOW I respond to life. I am far calmer, more sanguine, more accepting, more positive, more realistic, no longer frustrated and resentful, less anxious and "controlling".
A key part of my recovery and increasing peace of mind is down to Moodscope:
• to the wisdom in the blogs,
• to the wonderful, caring community who respond,
• to the feeling of no longer being alone but part of a wide circle of understanding, empathising, supportive members, some of whom feel like friends.
I can never thank-you all enough for your help in bringing me to where I am today – and special thanks must go to Caroline for making it happen, to Adrian and to lovely Jon who started it.
Prompted by Les' poem "If I were young again" (Thursday 27th August), I have summarised what I have learnt since joining Moodscope. This will appear in three future blogs entitled "Wisdom received from Moodscopers".
Thank-you one and all.
A Moodscope member.
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