Thank you, Moodscopers

15 Feb 2025

Nearly a year ago I wrote a blog about looking for inspiration. I was in a situation with energy and passion to give, but I didn’t know which direction to follow.

At the wise advice of Farmer Charlie (Ret’d) I thought about what makes me angry and came up with the answer ‘Social Injustice’. So I applied to train as a volunteer advisor at Citizen’s Advice.

The office is less than ten minutes walking through the park, so is super handy.

After some administrative hiccups I am now undergoing training in a cohort of five similarly minded people. We spend a half day in the classroom and half a day observing an experienced advisor in client interviews. I have also found that three of my friends work there full time, so I see friendly faces everywhere. Everyone is kin, welcoming and encouraging.

I find the observation sessions absolutely fascinating. So many different issues troubling clients from all walks of life. I hope that once my training is complete that I’ll be deemed up to the mark and permitted to make my contribution. Obviously I can give no details as every session is confidential, but it has really opened my eyes  as to what is happening in my town outside my cosy social bubble.

I thank all Moodscopers for the ideas you generously gave me. Time will tell where this journey will lead me. For the moment it is truly fulfilling.


A Moodscope member

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