Thank your liver.

3 Dec 2013

In the late 80's, in the Spanish town of El Ferrol, a memorial statue was unveiled in praise of the liver. The then Mayor Ulla, also a doctor, said that the granite sculpture was to give credit to this "unpretentious and unselfish organ."

It's perhaps not until something goes wrong with one of our intricately designed, beautifully made body parts do we truly appreciate our wondrous anatomy. It wasn't until I discovered I was about to lose my thyroid did I start to read about the astonishing role it, and indeed the endocrine system as a whole, plays in the mind-boggling symphony performing within us.

So, have you thanked your liver today? Did you give a wink of acknowledgment to your digestive system for dealing with your breakfast this morning? Do you know what your pancreas does, or even where it is situated? What of our windows on the world; the eyes? Do we take time to think about the awesome complexity of our brain?

Returning to the liver, I love what one anonymous writer wrote about this organ in an article entitled Your Liver Speaks Up:

'I participate in practically everything that you and the other organs in your body do. I'm vital to the digestion of your food, the sharpness of your brain, the strength of your muscles, the makeup of your blood, the beat of your heart. I'm well acquainted with you. Now, don't you think you should become more familiar with me? Only if you care for me can I do the same for you.'

Yes, taking a little time to learn about the wonders of the human body can inspire us to want to take better care of ourselves and to give our bodies a helping hand wherever we can.

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