That Moment.

20 Apr 2017

There's that moment, that split second, literally.

Split between one choice or the other. Act or don't act.

You know which the better choice for you is.

Don't press send. Don't make that call.

Don't react.

Don't put it into your shopping basket. Don't have that drink.

Don't eat that junk, but you make a choice.

To hell with it, boom, done. Too late now I've done it. Felt good. I "needed" that....Really?

It seems there's something about a "don't" that makes it hard to resist doing!

Of course I know that everything is not so simple!

At times though, you're there, suspended for a moment and it's possible to get in there.

You haven't done it yet. You haven't ruined anything, you still have a chance. You can still make the better choice. You don't HAVE to give in and do it.

Sometimes I say "I can..." to myself instead of a "Don't...".

A simple example is hoarding. I've been in the habit of keeping even the smallest things, even if I have loads, because they're perfectly good. Saying "I can actually get rid of that!" leads to immediate positive action and is much more effective than "Don't keep that" or "I don't need to keep that. Which just throws up questions and excuses!

When I make a choice that is good for me, wow! Does that feel great! I feel lifted, self respected. I CAN change the course of things sometimes, if I get in there and press pause.

If I listened to my true self each time, which would I choose?

Last night I switched the movie off and went to bed. Sounds small, but it felt like a first.

Have you found yourself in that moment and surprised yourself? Or maybe not yet?


A Moodscope member.

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