The Alphabet of LOVE or the ABC's of LOVE

5 Oct 2019

While at my recent yoga class, I started focusing on the word LOVE, which is so powerful.

I am tired of hearing the word HATE being used so much in our popular culture these days. So I came up with "the alphabet of LOVE" or "the ABC's of LOVE" and wrote down mostly verbs that precede the word LOVE. I found a word for each of letter of the alphabet, and for the letter "X" I wrote XTRA LOVE (an acceptable variation of EXTRA LOVE, I hope) !!

SO hear it goes, feel free to add your own words:

Accept LOVE, Believe in LOVE, Choose, Create LOVE, Delve in LOVE, Effortless LOVE, Find, Feel LOVE, Give, Get LOVE, Hold, Heal, Help LOVE, Infuse, increase, invent LOVE, Just LOVE, Keen LOVE, Love LOVE, Make LOVE, Nestle in LOVE, Own LOVE, Protect, Promote LOVE, Quintessential LOVE, Restore, Repair LOVE, Save, Seek, Search for LOVE, Take LOVE, Usher in LOVE, Value, Validate LOVE, Want, Wish for LOVE, "E"Xtra LOVE, Yearn for LOVE, Love reaches its Zenith.

And the moral of the story is:ALWAYS BE LOVE because LOVE conquers fear, hate and evil.

What kind of LOVE can you think of?


A Moodscope member.

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