I was washing up the other day when I heard my husband laughing. It was so lovely to hear. But then I realised that I can't remember the last time I heard him laugh.
And while I'm thinking about it, when did I last laugh?
Well, that's easier to answer. Last week in my yoga class. You see my (barmy but wonderful) yoga teacher sometimes gets us to lie on our backs, kicking our legs and arms in the air and pretending to laugh. Not just giggle but properly belly laugh. And somewhere between the self-conscious beginning and the hilarious end of the exercise, our pretend laughter always becomes real. We have created a room of joy and positivity with eight adults laughing their socks off at absolutely nothing. It's such a wonderful release.
But outside of the yoga classroom, our family life is one of keeping our heads down and ploughing though. I've tried a few times to inject some fun into our day-to-day but without much success. It always seems to take extra energy which I just don't have.
So instead I've decided to start a laughter list. Something that I can refer to when it's needed. Because, for some reason, it always seems harder to remember what you need at the point in time when you need it most.
So far on my list is:
1. Listening to songs by Tim Minchin (not everyone's taste, but he does get me giggling).
2. Stopping what I'm doing to immerse myself in laughing and being silly with my children.
3. Looking at daft cartoons of Tyrannosaurus Rex trying to do things (go on, give it a google!)
What would you put on your list? Perhaps we can come up with a Moodscope member's laughter list?
In belly laughs,
A Moodscope member.
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