The Comfort of the Familiar

7 Dec 2018

When I am looking for a movie to watch I usually choose a movie I have seen several times before. My family think it is funny that I choose one I have seen before. The answer is easy, I like the comfort and reassurance of movies I have viewed multiple times.

Knowing what happens next in a world where everything and everyone seems to be changing is very welcome. When I watch Notting Hill or Shawshank Redemption for the umpteenth time, there are no surprises, I know what every character will say and how they will react.

This may sound predictable but every time I see a favourite movie I gain something from it, some insight I had not noticed before. I find if I don't like a movie or book, viewing it once is one time too many but if I like a movie I never seem to get tired of it.

I am wondering if I am alone in wanting to see the familiar rather than risking the chance to try something new.

There is an enormous attraction to the safe and the familiar. Years ago there was a new shop that had 32 flavours of ice cream and my brother always chose chocolate. The family laughed but now I realise that it makes sense to select the flavour you know rather than ending up with an ice cream you don't like.

I would like to know if anyone likes the reassurance of the familiar with movies, books, food, or anything else. Tell me about something you have seen, done, read, eaten many times instead of trying something new.

If you always take a risk why don't you go back to an old favourite?


A Moodscope member

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