The Dark Martinis

5 Feb 2024

How was school for you?

I was the guy that was picked last… erm, for everything! I wouldn’t have made it to be Prom Queen or King… and I convinced myself that this was a good thing… surely being ‘smart’ was better than looking good in smart clothes? But, truth be told, who doesn’t want to be the star of the show, the centre of attention, at least for 15 minutes?  Self-Esteem is one of the 9 Pillars of Wellbeing*, IMHO.  (*Haven’t got a clue what the other 8 are, but I’m working on it!)

Fact is that our Culture (if it really can be called, “Culture,”) celebrates, lauds, and rewards the externally beautiful, the fit, the rich.

If you remember the 1970s in the UK, you’ll recall the adverts for Martini.  If you’d like a reminder, or to dip your toe into the murky water of image marketing for the first time, check out these links:

Suffice to say, ‘Martini’ was for ‘The Beautiful People.’ We who wanted to be beautiful merely needed to drink Martinis… yeah, right…

I was never physically beautiful… except as a baby. I will never be physically beautiful in Vogue standards. I’m more likely to feature in, ‘Goodbye Magazine,’ than ‘Hello’…  And without rancour, I can now assert that I genuinely believe beauty is an inner quality. I believe I am both beautiful and attractive, but only in the eye of the right beholder! Frankly, that’s the only beholder I’m interested in! How about you?

I stand at a crossroads. Our beloved community radio station pulls the plug on February 15th (why couldn’t they have chosen the 14th to break up???)  I want to ‘Save Our Station,’ yes, S.O.S.

But when I tried, a Martini-style chap said to me, “I’ve been working on a plan for a year.  I can’t (i.e., won’t) tell you anything, but there will be an announcement this weekend.”  I remembered then how I was never in the ‘in crowd’.

However, my point is that our Community Radio Station is beautiful because of, “The Dark Martinis.” It’s given a voice to normal people who would often be ignored by Fashionable Culture. Penny said to me, years ago, “You bring out the ‘Me’ in ‘me’,” and that’s a eulogy I live for. I like to give real people space to be their authentic selves, just like Moodscope does.

Know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL - from the inside out, and you deserve a voice – which is why we have this blog.  Be more you, then tell us – write for us! We’re hungry to listen to your beauty.


A Moodscope member

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