The Flea in Me, who said, "That won't work!"

10 Sep 2017

***You must watch this video before reading further***

I've never really had a 'happy' tummy. It's caused me much grief over the years (and I've given it a lot of grief too!) I know its limitations.

Or do I?

I'm attending a four day conference in London, travelling in each day. The journey is unpleasant and promises to be worse today - Sunday. My tummy is playing up. I'm dreading the journey and then the uncomfortable seating in a freezing and dark conference centre... not the most positive frame, is it?

Bizarrely, I found myself having a chat to my tummy! I told it it had 'proven' to me time after time that it wasn't to be trusted and I would have to take steps today to 'protect' myself against a possible meltdown. (Which has happen so many times before - and I know all the signs.)

Then I remembered the fleas.

Do I really want to think like a flea?

A parasite?

Whether the above video clip is true or not, the point is taken. These fleas have adopted self-limiting beliefs that are robbing them of opportunity.

Just because something 'hasn't worked' a 1000 times before, doesn't mean it isn't going to work this time.

Have you stopped trying?

Have you stopped trusting?

Have you stopped giving?

Jump higher, my friend, jump higher - the lid may have moved on!


A Moodscope member.

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