The Gift of Mental Illness

21 Dec 2024

Not all the symptoms of mental disorders are detrimental in my experiences. Like for example; with ADHD I cannot sit and concentrate for long on a lengthy story or long winded speaker, but I can get 8 hours of work done in four. My mind is a rapidly moving machine that amazes those around me with its efficiency guiding me to physical swiftness. I can often guess the plot of a movie or solve a murder mystery ahead of everyone else in the room. I aced a hearing test because as soon as I hear the first syllable of a word/part of a phrase I can provide the rest of it. 

There is a joke: how many children with ADHD does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Answer: Wanna go for a bike ride?

With PTSD, one never needs to guess where I am standing on a subject because I have no verbal filter. I say it like it is, although I am often left to wonder if it needed to be said at all. So I am working on telling people only what they need to know or ask about. OCD is a driving force to keep my home organised even if I cannot organise myself well.

Recently I was flagrantly rejected by someone romantically and as hurtful as it was it was also a revelation that I actually enjoyed my own life more than I thought. In the past I had spent too much time thinking I needed someone else as a joy prosthetic when happiness is an inside job. The rejection was both a lesson and a blessing. Then ironically, once I understood that I am enough, along came Mr. Charming. 

As I lie in bed with my thoughts swirling, unable to sleep, I remind myself that life is a journey for even the healthiest individual; that no one gets it right all the time and that this romantic error shall pass. 

Holiday festivities are coming. I have elected to play my 120 Bass Piano accordion at my firemen’s (and women) party. I play percussion with my feet while operating the bellows, keyboard and bass buttons, essentially doing about 5 things at once. I am not a professional who can look up from the keyboard nor did I ever aspire to be. It's about having fun while making a little noise. 

Well I think I'll quit my harping and go get a to speak. 


A Moodscope member

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