The Great Escape

30 Apr 2023

Hands up I confess, it’s not so much a great escape as a wee escape! 

Just for fun, I thought I’d ask if you have an object or tool, either borrowed, found or stolen which has become such a part of your daily life you can’t do without it.  

Earlier I was collapsing some cardboard boxes for recycling. I used a little yellow-handled packaging blade, which I keep in a pot for all the most useful and heavily relied upon tools. So useful they don’t get tucked into the tool bag. Each time I use the cheery yellow tool I smile. Each time I think of its real owner – is it he or she? Do they ever think of this blade? I imagine them searching high and low for it when they realised they’d lost it but had held it just moments before… 

One Christmas when my children were teeny, I’d ordered some presents and they arrived in a large box. I’d smuggled it into the garage to investigate later when they were asleep. From all the packing nuts, jigsaws and tea sets, came this tool. The (elf) packer must have dropped it in as the parcel was being put together. And in that moment, it became mine. It is used so often I’d struggle to do without it. I use it on boxes, when recycling, cutting twine for the garden, cutting strings of string, it's probably used daily. It has been cherished by me for 16 years plus! I never fail to think of its real owner each time it is in my hand.  And I love the notion that objects might find us, might slip in where they are needed. 

Just for some light-hearted fun, what do you have in your life (not person or pet) that has found its way to you and from which you’d rather not be parted. 

Love from

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member

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