There's nothing I like more than mixing metaphors and conjuring with clichés! Clichés, whilst often over-used (hence 'Cliché'), all contain a nugget of what I'd call, "Folk Wisdom."
Today, I'd love to play with two very well know clichés. Firstly, "The Journey of one thousand miles starts with a single step," and, secondly, "Let's cross that bridge when we get to it."
I've looked into my imagined future. All I see are a thousand bridges to cross to get me anywhere close to back to 'normal'. It's an impossible journey, but I'm of a mind to make it an incredible journey... with apologies to Disney fans who may remember that series.
I'm not alone. So many amazing people have trod a difficult path, have crossed a thousand bridges – one at a time – and have taken those steps that led to something 'better' or 'brighter' or 'bigger' or just simply 'happier'. Oh, and they've faced bigger challenges than I have before me.
The key seems to be in the strategy that empowers their mindset. The strategy is in the blend of our two clichés.
Firstly, it's got to be one step at a time. Have you ever tried to step too far? Perhaps you've had one foot on a boat that's gently moving away from its moorings, and one step on the shore. There may be trouble ahead! Nope, the best strategy is to take tiny steps while they remain tiny!
Secondly, it is only physically possible to cross each bridge as we come to it. Honestly, I find it almost impossible not to think about all those other bridges and the vast distance that needs to be covered or the ground that needs to be recovered BUT I know that I know that I know that I can only cross one bridge at a time.
One bridge, one step. It's the power of one.
Here are my two questions for all of us: "What's your next step?" (And you're only allowed one!) Plus, "What's your next bridge?" (Yes, you guessed it, you're only allowed one.)
Let's take on the challenges just one at a time – anything else is impossible.
Be bold and courageous – but just one at a time.
"The Journey of 1000 bridges starts with a single bridge!"
A Moodscope member.
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