The Meaning

Personal development
6 Mar 2023

What is the ‘meaning’ of all this? I may not be able to answer that for you, nor even easily for me, but what if I told you’d I’d at least discovered the “Language of Meaning”? What if I said I’d found the Rosetta Stone for the Language of Life?

There’s a saying in linguistics that goes like this: “The ‘meaning’ of the communication is the response you get.” In other words, if you mean one thing but the other party takes it any other way – THAT is the meaning of your communication! (Well, at least it is to them!)

Meaning is in the mind of the receiver. All this comes down to the Operating System of the Conscious and Other-than-conscious Mind: association.  Everything comes down to the associations you make to ‘interpret’ what your thoughts and senses present to you.

So what?

Good question. But think about it for a moment. Any time you change your associations, you change the results you get. You change your own response to the communication. If you’ve ever played hard to get because you really fancied someone and you wanted to be certain that they fancied you, you’ll know all about ‘the meaning of the communication is the response you get’! If they expressed their love for you all the more, you sent the right message for them, and you hit the right meaning! But what if they didn’t ‘get it’? You needed to change your messaging.

Our happiness in Life is mostly about the stories we tell ourselves – both about ourselves and about the other people in our lives – and thus the associations we make. When we ‘assume the best’ we are choosing to activate positive associations and to attach empowering meanings to what happens to us.

If we assume, ‘there’s no way out of this; it’s never going to get better,’ that will strongly influence the way you feel and the results you get.  Choose, "This too will pass," and you're playing by different rules with very different results.

Thus, my gentle, loving, charming invitation to you (and to me) this week is to choose the best possible meaning you can imagine for everything that happens to you over the next seven days.  Imagine that the Universe loves you and is for you.  It loves the way you look.  It loves your identity.  It loves the way you haven’t given up… and the way you keep on going.  Imagine it wants to pleasantly surprise you this very week...


A Moodscope member

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