The mistakes we make!!

25 May 2024

Mistakes we make are many and varied, don't you think? And it's easy to be discouraged by these and to dwell on the negative thoughts these can often generate.

I've changed the way I think and feel about my own mistakes (and like everyone else, I make a lot!!). I no longer think of mistakes as such but more as a learning and a signpost about how to get it right the next time round.

So it's not about giving yourself a hard time for having 'failed' because you haven't! You've merely had an experience that might have been approached differently and with a better end result.

So, it's not about our mistakes that counts; it's more about how we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and learn how not to do something. There's no failure or reason to feel down at heel - feel positive that you have taken the experience and learned how to deal with it better next time.

Most importantly of all, don't be hard on yourself and be a failed perfectionist. Give yourself the space and time to think how you might do things better. Chalk it up to experience and feel grateful for your learning.

All part of the rich tapestry of life, how we build our self esteem, confidence and resilience.

Make the conscious choice to be positive and to see the positive in all you say, do and hear. Use your emotional intelligence wisely and to your own advantage. Be brave, be kind to yourself and be happy within yourself.

Have a great day, mistakes and all!

Robin Goodfellow

A Moodscope member

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