The next big thing.

12 Nov 2017

I recently heard a man talk of happiness versus fun.

He described happiness as being an inside feeling of ok. Things are ok. The rain is ok! My cooking was ok. My children are ok. My writing is ok. My jumper is ok. (And of course, sometimes these things are fabulous.)

He described fun as often what we do when we crave happiness. We try to block out any other feelings around by having fun. In response to not feeling ok, some people will party hard, having lots of 'fun'. Eat many doughnuts having lots of 'fun'. Have another drink because they're having 'fun'. But can we feel the difference?

Are you filling up on fun and forgetting that the quest may be impeding your happiness? Happiness lies beneath. It's a small feeling that needs very little to power it. It's not a trail blazer, more a trail that has been there from the start. It is persistent and it doesn't give up on you.

Perhaps today you might think of what is 'fun' in your life and what brings you a smaller, more contented feeling requiring very little to power it.

Go small. It's the next big thing.

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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