The Pup That Purrs

14 Mar 2024

After having to put down my big Rottweiler/Border Collie due to cancer I thought I would take a break from dog ownership. I was heartbroken and needed time to grieve I thought. Angelo had been my buddy for 4 years exactly and had developed an aggressive cancer.

My friends at the time had a fluffy, impish one and some year old Border Collie/Mini Austrailian Shepperd pup that was too high maintenance for them. They dropped him off two weeks after I became dogless, citing they could not do it anymore.

Meeko instantly wormed his way into my heart; bringing me toys from Angelo's stash around the house and making a purring noise when I petted him. He acted so much like Angelo he could have been his son and he quickly filled void "Angie," had left.  In the morning, my furry alarm clock wakes me up and snoozing is not an option. I have been sleeping a lot this past winter due to seasonal depression and he makes sure I get out of bed, even if he has to drape himself across my pillow and form a canine wig on my head. 

Meeko also makes sure I walk him - or rather he walks me - so energetic he is the tugboat pulling the mothership. Exercise is so important when dealing with mental health as depression feeds on inactivity. 

To experience loyalty, I have found, one must get a dog or a cat - I have two of those also. I have all but given up on the steadfastness of people, in fact the more I deal with people, the more I like animals! Pets are beneficial to mental health, studies have shown, in which case I might need an entire herd... some days. But only dogs can be registered as emotional support animals.

When I worked security in a dollarstore someone tried to bring their: "emotional support bearded dragon," in. I said no. There is a guy in a nearby town I used to live in who: "walks," his snake - a boa constrictor - by carrying it around his neck while out walking. To each their own but I gave him a wide berth. Maybe one day all pets will be considered supportive of mental health but a boa constrictor only has to "hug" you once... I will stick to furry creatures, thanks.

The trend in my country is to register your dog as a service animal so that you can take them everywhere. I still don't think they belong in a grocery store or eatery. I have fur mixed in everything even my food - it makes flossing easier - just kidding - but that is my choice. That does not mean I want to force long border collie hair on another's supper.

I thought I rescued Angelo and Meeko but they actually saved my from total loneliness and going completely around the bend with my "weak nerves," as my family refers to mental illness. And on some days when we are housebound due to weather my pets almost drive me crazy but that won't be a long trip!


A Moodscope member

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