The Roller Coaster Week

27 May 2018

Just wanted to share with my Moodscope family what a roller coaster of a week it's been... and then ask you to share what your week has been like.

Of prime importance has been the safe arrival of my 5th grandchild, Selina Rose, born to Rachel and Richard. For this, my heart sings in gratitude.

Before this, I spent time with Dan Sullivan – a wise man, who just talks sense. He walked me through his model of continuously improving the quality of life. This starts with progressively getting rid of everything that annoys him! I appreciate many irritations cannot be removed but there is a lot that can be done. Does that squeaky hinge unhinge you? Oil it!

His second strategy is to challenge the things he has to do in life that are only OK. They don't energise him. So he seeks to outsource them. This can be achieved sometimes through technology. The washing machine is my friend! I'm old enough to remember that my parents and their parents had to dedicate whole days to washing as part of their weekly routine. Now, the machine does the work, does it better, and gives me back the gift of time.

His deeper insight was to help me realise that some of the things that don't do anything for me (but that I need to do to continue living in this Society), such as accounts – these things are actually (and incredibly) enjoyed by other people. My sister loves spreadsheets! So by clinging on to these tasks, because I think there is some moral value in suffering, is nuts. Let them enjoy what they enjoy and thus help me, and I'll do something in return for them that they don't like doing. There are, for example, a lot of people that don't like Social Media where I love it! I also LOVE mowing grass. Now, I bet there a few thousand people out there that would love to have a neighbour who would mow their lawn with passionate enthusiasm!!!

Finally, Dan's goal is to get us to liberate time so that we can invest it in the third category: our unique gifts and talents. His motto is to outsource everything which we do not excel at.

What if you haven't got the funds to do this? Can you trade? Can you do the 'OK' stuff in your downtime rather than giving it prime time? There will be a way to free up more time to do the stuff that only you can shine in.

The Roller Coaster concluded with floods of tears. Why? Because of the beauty of Paul Dunn and Masami Sato's movement: Buy One, Give One. Masami had a vision years ago to create business for good. The idea is simple. If you sell televisions, you then pay for someone to get their sight back. If you sell a book, you plant trees in an area suffering deforestation. If you'd like to find out more, check out

My granddaughter, my friend Dan, and my heroes – Paul and Masami – have made me feel like I have a Massive Transformational Purpose to achieve in the World. And while I was thinking about that, even though tears flowed freely, I forgot about my own troubles...


A Moodscope member.

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