The Roses of Success!

31 Mar 2024

From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success!

Disaster didn't stymie Louis Pasteur! No sir!

Edison took years to see the light! Right!

Alexander Graham knew failure well; He took a lot of knocks to ring that bell!

So when it gets distressing - It's a blessing!

Onward and upward you must press! Yes, Yes!

Till up from the ashes, up from the ashes grow the roses of success.

I’m following a model for ‘Living’ in this series of 7 short blogs.

With this episode, we arrive at the often thought ‘delicate’ characteristic of any Living Being: ‘Excretion’.  Why we should be embarrassed about this wonderful biological process, I don’t know… but I did laugh when looking up the lyrics for, “The Roses of Success.”  At the foot of my open search window as an advert displaying three toilet seats (open-mouthed) and a cistern! Of course, ‘Excretion’ is far more complicated than a bathroom break. For today, let’s use it as a simple metaphor for getting rid of those matters in life that no longer serve a helpful purpose.

These matters can include material goods, junk food, toxic relationships, old periods of our lives that we are hanging onto - like water retention, un-forgiveness… you’re clever, you know this stuff – let your heart be your guide and your soul be your pilot.  

My intention today is very, very simple: it is to remind you of this wonderfully ‘silly’ song from ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’ – a wonderfully silly song within which lies a wealth of wisdom.

“Up from the Ashes of Disasters (large and small, significant and insignificant today) [can] grow The Roses of Success!”

Perhaps you’d be kind enough to encourage and entertain us by sharing some of your stories of how a seemingly disastrous set of circumstances were transformed into a matter of great value.


A Moodscope member

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