Caught up in my ever changing mood, I wished that the good would last and the bad would leave. From both experience and thought, parents to the mood. But it seems as Seneca said "To be always fortunate, and to pass through life with a soul that has never known sorrow, is to be ignorant of one half of nature"
So it is the whole of our nature we have and not just a part of it. Not just growth but decay. Not just vitality but exhaustion. Not just satisfaction of needs met, but needs unmet. Not just sunshine but rain. The vibrant spring following the barren winter. The luscious summer leaves shrivelling in autumn. The new idea sprung from creativity, the deadness of a cold forlorn mind. The warm happy thoughts of a life well lived and the madness of trying to control the thoughts in your head like trying to hold autumn leaves to the tree on a blustery day.
A common theme I know, but a comforting one. Nature is all change, even the rocks and sky. Happiness can be fleeting, but so can sorrow. My advice, let life ebb and flow, it's going to anyway.
A Moodscope user.
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