The show goes on

8 Aug 2020

Today our strippers left us. They left behind their shabby clothes no longer serving them. We binned the rags, they were of use to nobody. We binned the dinner table they ate at. We binned the old remnants of oranges and flowers. I washed the tent because we’ve another party to host before summer is finished.


We took them out into the garden. We’ve had a five day haar and it had been heavy air out there. Today, blue sky and sunshine at last. A good day to show our new butterflies the breeze. They, of course, had no idea what was coming. They stayed in. The tent was wide open at the top but they only knew of mesh walls and so they didn’t even attempt to explore. Then, after some long minutes, the breeze lifted their eyes and one by one they went off on a journey of a lifetime!


The one who is now our favourite (and wouldn’t it be nice to think it was the last one to emerge) took time to come out, sat on top of the tent for just a moment and then flew straight at my youngest daughter’s head. I caught him on camera, he backflipped after kissing her forehead. Clearly, he loves her and this was his way of saying thank you!


They showed us that life is cyclical.  Something goes and something arrives. The calm of night can follow a tumultuous day. A fresh day turns to close an unrepentant, worried night. The moment you are in cannot last - this helps you navigate. Even by recognising it, it already becomes more manageable.


Farewell my darling strippers. We have loved it.


Love from

The room above the garage.

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