The Straw that Saved the Camel's Back.

30 Oct 2017

I have a dodgy back! From time to time, it tends to 'go', leading to up to three weeks of painful disability. I'm sure it can be fixed, but my point this morning is that I have a warning that it may be about to happen. There are twinges!

If I listen to these twinges, I can escape the penalty.

I meet many people who are on the edge of something about to 'go'. They are carrying a mindset prone to suffering. Just one more thing could be enough to set them off down a pathway of pain that will remain for a while.

Interrupting the Pattern with Kindness.

What if we could help change the next pathway they take?

A simple word of kindness can often become the straw that saved the Camel's back.

An unexpected word of kindness from you or me can often set somebody's day aright.

So here's today's challenge - to find a genuine word of kindness to apply to everyone you meet.

• A 'thank you' to the postman

• A compliment to your colleague who's taken extra care in their choice of dress

• A word of appreciation to your thoughtful neighbour

• An enthusiastic recognition of that distant friend across the park backed up with how pleased you are to see them... combined with a cheerful 'Good day!' to everyone you meet

and the king of all word-based kindnesses,

• The kindness-filled card sent to someone when it is neither their birthday, nor a special occasion.

The best thing about spreading this loving-kindness is that you too will remove straws from your own back, meaning that you may also avoid your 'back' (whatever that means for you) going out.

Bear one another burdens and so fulfil the law of love.


A Moodscope member.

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