The Sun Will Come out Tomorrow.

16 Sep 2014

They say that one of the definitions of middle age is that you still think that you will feel better tomorrow.

While watching the film Annie this afternoon with my husband and children this struck me with particular force, both in the short term and long term.

The sun'll come out tomorrow

Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow

there'll be sun

Just thinkin' about tomorrow

Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow till' there's none

When I'm stuck in the day that's grey and lonely

I just stick up my chin and grin and say oh

The sun'll come out tomorrow

So you got to hang on

till' tomorrow, come what may!

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow

You're always a day away!

It rings bells for me in the short term as I have had for the past four days now some 'flu like virus that makes me ache all over, and feel utterly exhausted. Each night, downing my painkillers and lemon tea, I am convinced I will feel better tomorrow. Each morning, waking up to more pain, I resolve to give it another twenty four hours (and yes, folks, the GP will now get a call tomorrow even if I'm convinced her counsel will be "Take aspirin and fluids and ride it out").

For the long term, my advice to myself and to others going through depression is "hold on" it does get better – eventually – honest.

But, being strictly honest, it's not always, or often, tomorrow; or even next week. The sun will come out again maybe next month, or next season, or next year.

So until it does come out again, hold on; subject yourself to feel-good films like Annie (for me personally, anything with the toothily charming, but always ne'er-do-well, Tim Curry is wonderful) and if it feels more like a "Hard Knock Life" than "Easy Street", you can probably still raise a rueful grin at the idea that "You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile."

And, you never know, the sun may indeed come out tomorrow. Let's hope it does.


A Moodscope member.

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