I received some news today that touched me deeply. It shouldn't have. Or perhaps it should. The fact is: it did.
I don't have anyone to share it with who would understand. Really understand. So I feel alone in my grief: isolated and lonely.
I think about a hug from my husband or a friend; one to take the pain away. But it never does. Friends support, listen, understand and comfort; and they are hugely valuable for that. But the pain remains mine to endure, to accept and to move on from.
So I turn to you my Moodscope comrades to share how much it hurts, how cruel life can be sometimes and how useless I feel to help.
But I do know this: the feelings will eventually pass. Pain and sadness are part of life. But we will heal, we will recover and the sun will shine again.
With love
A Moodscope member
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