The voice

24 Feb 2023

What do you think of when you hear the word voice? 

Do you think of the physical voice we use and hear each day? 

Do you use the word voice as a verb, they voiced their opinions strongly? Have you tried to find your voice or seek your authentic voice?

Have you ever lost your voice or found your voice not heard?

Have you learnt sign language so you can communicate in sign language?

Do you feel you have a little voice or a string voice or a weak voice or a powerful voice?

For many years I felt ashamed of having mental health issues. In my house people whispered about me to others. It was a shameful secret. The thought that one day I would talk in public about my life with bipolar was just inconceivable. I had no voice and was often scared someone would guess my secret. About 30 years after my diagnosis I was waiting in the curtains at a local hall about to talk for the first time to a group of many strangers. I took a deep breath, found my voice and spoke.

Afterwards several people came to me telling me their story about themselves or a family member and saying that my talk helped them find their voice.

What does the word voice mean to you?

Have you an example of when you found or lost your voice?

Have you discovered your authentic voice?


A Moodscope member

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