As you hear the geese flying overhead at this time of year, on their way south for the winter, I hope the following story of their wise ways, may help you along your journey.
Firstly, you hear them as they are honking, but for what, just that continual noise? It is because the one flying in the front of their V shape formation is the one doing the most work (just like the cyclists at the front of the peloton); the rest are 'honking' to show support for them for that work.
Flying in the V shape is by far the most effective way (like riding a wave while surfing) and reduces the amount of work by everyone behind by about 70% - so the front runners need ongoing encouragement, to keep their speed up.
Secondly, by working as a team and all taking their turn at the head of the V, as well as honking when behind, they, as a team, can fly 70% further, simply by working together.
Thirdly, if one goose becomes ill or is damaged by humans and goes down to land to hopefully rest and recuperate, two others follow it down and stay with them until they die, or can fly again. Always providing company until the end.
Fourthly, when the two or three fly again, they do not have to fly harder and faster to re-join their own 'team' again, they simply join another V formation and fit straight into the new team where they are readily accepted. (How easy would it be to do that between departments or families?)
Now, just imagine if we clever (IQ) humans, could be as wise (EQ) as the geese... supporting the 'one at the front', taking our turn at the front, staying with anyone who is ill or needs our support regardless of 'losing' the team you were working with and joining another identically values-based team to be able to go 70% further. In the words of Sam Cooke...'What a wonderful world this would be.'
How much 'further and faster' could you or I go in an effective, mutually supportive team/ family/community? Think of one person you could encourage or join with in a greater way this week to enable us all to 'fly further'.
A Moodscope member.
Geese story -
Sam Cooke -
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