The wonder of it all

18 Apr 2024

Recently I had a young child stay for a few nights. I was fascinated by her interest in simple things like jumping in all the leaves on the pathway. Her sounds of sheer joy were contagious.

She lives in a flat and so spent a lot of time running around our house and opening and closing doors.

She also discovered a paper calendar, not sure she had  seen one before, and spent much time checking out birthdays I had written and saying all the months of the years.

I wonder how we relearn our childish wonder and joy. I think not taking  anything for granted and seeing joy in surprising places. Let yourself be playful and be silly and have fun.

I would like you to share your moments of wonder and joy that you have experienced with a child or on your own. How did you feel when you started doing something spontaneously?


A Moodscope member

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