There must be instructions somewhere.

20 Feb 2018

Hello my friend. What do we have today? Let's see. Are you begging for the end of the day already, to be comforted by darkness and quiet, or are you able to see the day as yours?

Even if you are working and have an employer watching over you, it is still your day and how you handle your challenges is your choice. I try to look ahead at what things are going to rough me up (loud people, busy situations, bad manners, my senses being attacked) and arm myself for them.

Yesterday I was volunteering. I knew I would meet an extremely loud woman unaware of anyone else's existence but herself. As a bit of a wall flower, I bristle around her. I had to plan. It worked! She made a loud entrance and we all became aware of her holiday plans for the following week, and we now have the additional detailed and intimate knowledge of her foot blister, but I was also able to divorce myself from it because I'd planned.

She blasted us with her 'everything' and I had fun because I'd decided I would picture her as a hoover. It worked! The moment she launched, I heard 'hoover' and I just carried on reading my duties for the afternoon. Peace became me. In my head I was running through a silent, sunny, flower-filled meadow whilst she had hoover noises coming out her mouth.

It was a great film!

Dare you to try it.

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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