Things that make me happy...

28 Oct 2023

In an attempt to be positive, I thought I would list things that make me personally happy in no particular order...

Lie-ins, that first cup of strong tea (or real coffee) and the smell of fresh coffee as you open the bag, fresh snow that you can make snowmen out of and you don't have to drive anywhere, the top down on our sports car if it's a sunny day, sticking my head out of a train window (did that today), cold clean duvet after having a nice bath, a home-cooked meal that works out really well, scented candles, a walk in nature, foraging for stuff, going on new walks with the dog, spotting something unexpected (like the red squirrel) on our drive out, a lovely cold glass of Sauvignon blanc or Chardonnay or a room temperature glass of Shiraz, cuddles with my dog in bed, a cuddle from my husband (ha ha guess who is in the pecking order), my stepdaughter's lovely dimply hands (glad she isn't reading this), crafting with friends, finding something wonderful in a charity shop, having a pamper with a face and a hair mask, reading a great book in bed, a sunny day (can be cold), the first flowers of Spring, Autumn colours, a bike ride, watching my dog grass surf/scoot across the grass with his legs splayed out behind him (Splatterdale), the sound of the sea, good music played loud in the car on your own, gardening, making jams and chutneys and elderflower cordial, making smudge sticks from herbs, fruit and flowers, the light through stained glass windows, doing online jigsaw puzzles, watching Laurel and Hardy, watching any nature programmes on TV.... 

These are just “a few of my favourite things”... what are yours?


A Moodscope member

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