Things that might help...

2 Jun 2018

The writing of poetry is good for the heart.

The problem for me is just where to start.

I know I could, if I just make time, write a simple poem or rhyme.

I don't drink much coffee or even much tea,

I know it isn't good for me.

I exercise, I swim, I walk, I think it would be nice to talk.

Of my friends I see not enough,

my time seems to fill with other stuff.

I try to keep to healthy food, things I know will do me good.

At night I try to get good rest, I find that seven hours is best.

To meditate would be quite cool, but I don't do it as a rule.

They mention gardening in here, but I'm not much good I fear.

Acupuncture, yes I like and riding round upon my bike.

Perhaps this is the thing for me, I quite like writing poetry.

P.S. now I do daily Headspace - it gets me to a better place.

My friends on Moodscope help me too - so I say a big

Thank you.

So cheers to all the Moodscope gang. Thank you for being there for me.


Another Sally

A Moodscope member

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