This Year, Next Year, Sometime Never...

11 Mar 2020

Helen's mother died a few years ago. She was 93 and had led a full life; she was ready to go.

Before she died, Helen spent some time with her mother, talking to her about her childhood in Australia – about what it was like growing up in that time. It was a time of poverty and hardship, yet there was a lot of laughter as her mother relived those memories.

Helen recorded those talks with her mother, and on Sunday she proudly shared with me that she had finally completed the task of transcribing those recordings for her siblings, so they could all read them.

"I've got a list of tasks for the year," she told me, "And now I can tick that one off!" She was delighted with her achievement and I am sure the rest of her family will appreciate the thought and hard work that went into it.

Yesterday I held a business meeting with a very driven and organised young man. At the end of the meeting I asked, "So, would you like to work with me?"

"Yes," he answered. "But not right now. It's the end of the tax year in a month's time and I cannot afford to spend that time with you right now."

He paused and then went on, "But I can see this is important, and it would be a good investment. After April, I will contact you again."

I suppose my face must have shown my reservations, because he continued, "I have a five-year plan, a yearly plan, a quarterly plan and a monthly plan. Working with you will go on my monthly plan for April."

I don't think I have ever met anyone that focussed and organised; not even my daughter, who schedules her revision timetable in minute detail, even including "Planned Procrastination" sessions!

I rarely make detailed plans for anything. I have a few things I would like to do and some intentions, but I rarely make such organised plans as Helen and this young man. But maybe I would achieve more if I did.

I already plan my menu for the week and shop accordingly. My husband would prefer I plan for the month, and maybe I could consider that. So many of my friends rave about how beautiful Barcelona is and so maybe I could make a plan to visit, and plan who to visit with. I could make a detailed plan of my social media posts for my marketing. I could plan to visit my friend in Washington DC again.

I could plan instead of dreaming.

Plans do not necessarily tie you down; plans can change. Circumstances alter. After all, if my friend moves from Virginia to Fairbanks, Alaska – then the plans change. Certainly, we would change our planned activities: I am sure there are many fewer craft stores in Alaska than in Virginia!

So, now I have a few plans and I'd love to hear about yours.


A Moodscope member.

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