Thoughts of Dr Seuss

11 Apr 2024

Several years ago, I wrote about one of Dr Seuss’s quotes so I decided to share three of my favourite quotes of Dr Seuss here for you to comment on.

You can write about them all or one or more. Reply from the heart as to how they make you feel or how you relate to them.

Maybe you will explain how they have helped you or how you don’t find them useful.

1  Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

This quote really speaks to me about my parents who died many years ago. There are moments I had forgotten but when they died, they became memories and stories.

2  Don’t cry because it is over smile because it happened.

My dad and I were talking about how much alike we were, I said we are both stubborn, he said yes, but I was more stubborn than he was!! This small moment makes me smile as I retell the story.

3  Step with great care and great tact and remember life is a balancing act.

This quote helped after the fires. I realised how lucky I was to have had the shop for over a decade and what a gift it was.

So now it is your turn, have fun or be serious just wrote about how the words made you feel or how they annoy you!!


A Moodscope member

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