Three boxes

8 Dec 2019

My illness means I live in dread of chaos/lethargy taking over. In both states I lose things, lose track of money, lose my presence to the state where I lose touch with reality. So this last time I've emerged determined to set things in place to support me through the next time, (my hope is there won't be one, my experience... there usually is), so with this in mind I have bought 3 boxes.

They are cheap, wooden and practical. One lives in the kitchen, one in the living room and one in my bedroom. Everything goes in them at the end of the day, all those bits of paper, bills, hair ties, dead tissues, everything swept into the boxes, on Fridays I clear them.

Everything back in its place. If I am down, that Friday maybe two weeks away but still everything goes in at the end of the day, well most days! In 2 months this has meant I have lost track of very few things, my stress is reduced, my home not so overwhelming and having 3 Clear boxes does wonders for my confidence. No, not fool proof but a good game to play.

What do you do to prepare for the next time?


A Moodscope member.

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