Time to look after yourself, now!

27 Jul 2014

Is today yet another day that stretches out in front of you with no real purpose?

You may not see anyone, there's no phone call or letter and nothing seems worth watching on TV.

The joys of living alone can be completely overlooked when your life has changed from being frantically busy and needed to, for whatever reason, leading a solitary existence.

But think a while and recognise your past successes, however great or small.

You may have had a successful career, helped ageing parents, schooled children and taught them to be independent; you may have been a good neighbour. You will be able to think of other triumphs if you set your mind to it.

And now you need to look after yourself a little bit. No pressure, just getting out of bed, taking it easy and creating one achievement a day no matter how great or small.

Here's a list of possibles to start with. You can add your own as well.

1. Get yourself a new indoor plant, preferably flowering, and note its development; slow but sure. That plant needs you to water and encourage it.

2. Treat yourself to something you have never tried for lunch or tea. You don't have to cook it yourself; there are plenty of ready-made dishes in supermarkets!

3. Take a short walk if you can (or sit by an open window or door) and notice anything unusual; or even just appreciate the usual things.

4. Go to a coffee morning: the local church usually has one and you don't have to go again if you don't like it! You could even ask someone in for coffee (it's useful to give them the start and finish time).

At the end of the day note the thing you did in a diary. It will be interesting to look back on in the future.


A Moodscope member.

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