Time to think.

23 Mar 2014

My mood swings can turn me from an affable, friendly, cheerful, life-and-soul-of-the-party type into a manipulative, calculating, revenge-seeking egotist.

Now, just the physical act of typing has helped me rationalise my condition.

I've been on Moodscope since last August, and at first I was sceptical. However, now I feel that doing the cards daily gives me at least one small task to do on my bad days.

Looking over my scores monthly helps me to watch for repeating patterns a few days in advance. The great part to that is:

a) if a mood dip or swing occurs, I don't berate myself as much, and

b) if a swing or dip doesn't occur, I feel better.

Time is a great healer. It is a cliche. But cliches are cliches because they contain a grain of truth.

Peace and Love, always.


A Moodscope member.

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