Back to University.

8 Oct 2017

The guy on Reception at the Best Western Hotel was not happy. He couldn't cope with the flow of customers... increasingly irritable customers. He told me he was "stressed." I didn't need to be told, but I'm glad he shared. I sympathised.

That little bit of rapport through sympathy was enough for him to open up. He confessed he was going to leave. This was the fourth hotel he'd been at - and I'm guessing they were all as 'bad' as one another. It wasn't his fault.


My heart went out to this young man because I could see his future. He was running from problems instead of embracing them. I knew that as soon as he changed hotels again, he would encounter exactly the same types of issues as he was clearly failing to face here. Whether it's a job or a relationship - running from the problem only ends in finding the same issue reincarnated in your next scenario.

This is why I love problems.

They save me a fortune in University fees.

Let me explain and expand. If you're like me, you'll be bombarded by 'opportunities' to subscribe to expensive educational sites. What these sites fail to realise is that I am already enrolled in an amazing educational programme... for free!

Not only am I enrolled, I get to take the same class over and over again until I pass! And when I pass, I graduate to a whole new level of 'problems as my teachers'!

Now, don't get me wrong. I secretly 'hate' problems. I'd like an easy life. But this is not a realistic expectation - I know that now. Problems S-T-R-E-T-C-H my mind and it never returns to its earlier size or state. Problems make me a better man - more resilient - more able to cope...


...if I learn from them.

Otherwise, I encounter the same problem clothed in another situation or difficult person to deal with.

Recognise now that you too are enrolled in the University of Life where problems are your best teachers.

And here's today's opportunity to share. I'd LOVE to hear about problems that you have overcome on your journey so far - and what you've learned from them.


A Moodscope member.

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