To be boring or not to be boring?

21 Mar 2025

There is a friend of mine who says she refuses to be boring because she wants to be different. She is flamboyant outgoing and risk taking. She is very approachable and has great sense of humour.

What does it mean when a person is boring?

One definition is that a boring person is dull and monotonous and they make others feel tired.

Why is being boring as a person seen as being negative and something to change? Not everyone can be outgoing, outrageous, and exciting.

If people see themselves as boring, or others describe them as uninteresting, there is pressure on them to be different.

What if being so called boring is part of one’s personality. Instead of boring, why not dependable, reliable or thoughtful?

Are people who refuse to be boring more tiring than others and even a bit overwhelming at times?

Do labels of boring and not boring affect how we see ourselves or how others see us?

Do people change over time? I was seen as exciting when I was younger and undiagnosed and decades later when I was medicated people commented I was not much fun anymore!

A relative was seen as studious and quiet when younger but she says now she is in her seventies feels freer and people find her interesting.

Are you boring or do you refuse to be boring? Are the labels of boring or not boring useful or restrictive?


A Moodscope member

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