To have friends

22 Jan 2023

Some of us have them, some of us don’t, some of us want them, some of us won’t.  

I don’t have many, and certainly none that are the advert friends (those pictures of friendships travelling from small childhood through the years).  The friends I have are reliable, they could be phoned and asked for help if I had had a flood and needed support, but not friends I’d curl up on the couch beside with mugs of tea to share laughs and problems.  And this is ok.  I’m comfortable there.

A little connection is all that any of us need.  That hello with the shopkeeper.  The smile from the bus driver.  The bouncy blackbird eyeballing for the apple run.  Even the rude squirrel who knows how to tug my strings.  The little connections that can lift the corners of the mouth and last the day.  

How are your connections?  Needing a little reset?  Or silently solid?  

Love from 

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member

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