Too many memories to part with it

29 Sep 2023

Do you have a favourite item of clothing that you have had for many years but for sentimental reasons can never part with. Loved ones may say it has too many holes, is out of fashion, is embarrassing, etc. To you it is precious and so comfortable, and you would never part with it.

I would like Moodscopers to describe an item of clothing, a pair of shoes, socks, hat, bag etc that is much loved by you.

Secondly, what is the oldest item of clothing etc you have in your wardrobe now? Do you still wear it? I wonder what the oldest item of clothing a Moodscoper has. I used to have a raincoat my mum wore when pregnant with me. In 2019 it was 62 years old. I used to wear it but it was not big on me even though it was a maternity one.

I hope you will join in this light frolic through our wardrobe and memories.

I wonder who has kept the most unusual item of clothing. Who has the oldest? Who has the most embarrassing? Who has the most comfortable? Who has an expensive mistake they cant wear but  they can’t part with as it was expensive?

Have fun and let me peek inside your wardrobe!!


A Moodscope member

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